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Jan 29, 2021

Reset In Recoil is a stress performance related weapon training technique. It is also a concept on when and how to approach God after you have sinned or "missed the mark." 

Jan 22, 2021

Part 2 of 2, Mission Mapping involves identifying your God-given missions and then mapping it out so that you don't veer off the path that God has laid out for you. Get a FREE "Operational Mission Map" to use for your life journey.

Jan 15, 2021

Have you identified your God-given mission? If so, have you planned your route with the necessary steps and tasks to get it done? In this episode (part 1 of 2), we are going to define the difference between an Eternal Mission and an Operational Mission. Then, we'll take the first steps to figuring out what God...

Jan 8, 2021

Being UNstoppable is not defined by how many times you can avoid falling down in life. Being UNstoppable is when you keep getting up when life knocks you down. It is only possible with God's strength and plan.

Jan 1, 2021

Is it your time to be mission focused? There is a good chance God has already given you a mission that he wants you to accomplish without delay. So, we are going to take a look at what being mission focused means by breaking down verses in the New and Old Testament. Then, we will listen to what people said about...